Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Webinar Date Changes !

Due to University holiday periods, we have moved the Webinars to October this year.

The exact dates will be confirmed here soon.

Meanwhile, The Book powers on and we are about to tackle the final chapter!

All our threads come together into a dramatic close and every writer in the team is very keen to see our finale. To discover more about how the project has worked, our highs and our lows, as well as the story itself, be sure to book your place on the Webinar.

Back soon ....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"49 Writers" interview with Glenda Smith

A very interesting group in Alaska is "49 Writers." This refers to Alaska being the 49th state admitted to the union rather than the number of writers in the group.

I recently had the opportunity to discuss our collaborative writing "Book Project" in an interview for their blog site. I believe I stated so in the article but would definitely state it again -- the views expressed are mine alone and not endorsed by the other authors in the "Book Project." There may even be some of the group whose thoughts totally contradict mine.

If you would like to visit, this is a link to my interview. There are many other interesting items on the site including "Ode to a Dead Salmon" contest -- uniquely Alaskan.


It is still hard to believe we are into the 8th month of our project -- it has indeed been an exciting trip so far.

Glenda Smith