Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Latest Press Release

Just over half way through the time allocated for The Book we are starting to look for representation both for the Novel and a Movie.

One of the first places we sought writers last year was the New Zealand news site 'Scoopit'. So this has been chosen as a fitting place to launch the search for representation.

Check out the news site link here;


There's a lot going on with the project and our authors at the moment and both good and bad fortunes, as ever, are with us. Yet again the story behind our story is a powerful reflection on life across our planet.

We will report on some more of this story here on the blog soon.

The good news is that we are ahead of schedule and the flow of creative juices is as abundant as ever!

If there were ever any doubts that we could see this through, they have long since evaporated.



The Book Project said...

Yes are sure right about our personal stories. What a cast of characters we all are.

I have so much fun here with all of us. I can't tell everyone how much this whole adventure has enriched my life. I am one of the mentioned un-published authors.

Reading and watching the various styles of each individual author has been really educational for me. When reading through individual chapters I see the colorful charaters emerge as the personality of the writer comes forward. This is totally awesome!

I can't wait to see what we write next!

The Book Project said...

ohhh...sorry I forgot to say that this last post was from me, Carla