Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The 'Veneer' Writer

Today we hold a vote to choose one writer from our team who will 'tweak' what has been written to their own style of expression. We call this role a 'veneer' writer as they will not change the substance or structure of the story but will give it a single voice.

Whilst we are celebrating the diversity of a collaborative work, we do want the story to read as if a single writer was responsible.

In most parts, the veneer may be very thin or non-existent but in others a little deeper. The objective is to have a consistent voice through each thread of the story but we also have a deadline to meet!

Whilst the veneer writer is at work, with one or more helpers, the remaining team will focus upon the few structural questions raised in our read-through and then final chapter.

I'm guessing the next few weeks will fly past as we work to get everything completed by December 31st!


4 comments: said...

Getting exciting...

Michael Parker said...

How are we going to fit Christmas in?

Nik Morton said...

This is quite an achievement! Have you settled on a title and an author name yet?

Pete said...

Foolishly a few months ago I felt we would make it quite easily but now Mick, we both know it will be a close thing!

Nik - we have a working title of 'Passage to Redemption' and are toying with a couple of author names. The one I like is simply 'The Crew' (it is linked to the story) but we haven't finally decided yet.

The clock is ticking!