Friday, February 13, 2009

The Book Takes Shape

It's funny how at the start of the project, on this small island close to France, I thought I could see most of the steps that would be needed to gather an international community and write our Novel.

I hadn't really considered the environments our writers would be living in whilst they participated, only their participation. Now, when I read of the storms across Tennessee, or the Volcano in Alaska, or the new job GC has taken in Kuala Lumpur that means she has to rise very early and travel for hours, or how hard it is for some of our writers without access to their own computers, I realise the true commitment going into our book.

Our writers have coped with family and personal illness, financial hardship, and the strains of being creative every day whilst holding down a full time job. Then we have retired and more secure writers who live in worlds a million miles away from those in hardship but who invest enormously to keep the pace for all of us.

We have a spectrum of beliefs systems bubbling under the surface from Atheist to Christian to Muslim to, who knows what, because it isn't something we need to wear on our sleeves. Strange but with this diversity, the moral cores are remarkably similar.

Oh yes, back to the steps! Just lately we have crossed a chasm from the purely conceptual to the delivery of a tangible work of literature. The ideas are now connected, the thoughts mostly aligned, our writers are producing chapters and our planners are ensuring they fit together. Our researchers inform and our editors quality control our output.

It is a great story being written by great people.

Irene continues to find these wonderful people (thank you Alpha!) to support us and it will not surprise me at all if she succeeds in persuading Oprah to invite all of us from the far corners of the planet to meet for the first time on her show!

So it is fitting to end this update with another kind person Irene has convinced from her home in the Philippines to include our Press Release - she puts the rest of us to shame!

Guernsey in the British Channel Islands

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